Wednesday - December 4, 2024
Public Policy Tipoffs Involving Idaho Newsletter for Sunday November 03, 2024 ( 4 items )  

American Public Health Association: Public Health Brief Urges Court to Preserve EMTALA's Protections for Pregnant Women
SAN DIEGO, California, Oct. 31 -- The American Public Health Association issued the following news release: Last June, the Supreme Court dismissed a case that would have determined whether emergency abortion care is protected under a federal law known as the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act or EMTALA. At issue: an Idaho law that prohibits pregnant women from receiving abortions even if their health is in danger. That law conflicts with the federal guarantees in EMTALA, in instances whe  more

National Community Pharmacists Association Foundation: Korey Kreider Receives NCPA Foundation's NARD Ownership Award
ALEXANDRIA, Virginia, Oct. 29 -- The National Community Pharmacists Association Foundation issued the following news release: COLUMBUS, Ohio (Oct. 27, 2024) - Korey Kreider, owner of the Medicine Man Prairie Pharmacy in Hayden, Idaho, has received this year's NARD Ownership Award from the National Community Pharmacists Association Foundation as part of NCPA's Annual Convention, being held Oct. 26-29 in Columbus, Ohio. The NARD Ownership Award recognizes an independent community pharmacist who   more

NCPA Delegates Install Jeff Harrell as President, Approve Resolution on Reasonable and Relevant PBM Contract Terms
ALEXANDRIA, Virginia, Oct. 30 -- The National Community Pharmacists Association issued the following news release: * * * New officer installed at annual House of Delegates meeting * * * COLUMBUS, Ohio (Oct. 29, 2024) - Jeff Harrell, PharmD, of Ilwaco, Wash., was installed as 2024-2025 president of the National Community Pharmacists Association by its House of Delegates at the organization's 2024 Annual Convention in Columbus, Ohio. Download his headshot here (  more

Western Watersheds Project: Court Strikes Down WY Nat'l Grassland Plan to Kill Prairie Dogs, Eliminate Black-Footed Ferret Restoration
HAILEY, Idaho, Oct. 29 -- The Western Watersheds Project issued the following news release on Oct. 28, 2024: * * * Court Strikes Down Wyoming National Grassland Plan to Kill Prairie Dogs, Eliminate Black-Footed Ferret Restoration * * * DENVER - Today, conservation groups scored a major victory for endangered black-footed ferrets and black-tailed prairie dogs on Thunder Basin National Grassland in northeastern Wyoming. The Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the U.S. Forest Service fail  more