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Public Policy Tipoffs Involving Idaho Newsletter for Sunday September 09, 2018 ( 5 items )  

LC Helps High School Students Prepare for Metal Manufacturing Field
LEWISTON, Idaho, Sept. 5 -- Lewis-Clark State College issued the following news release: A total of 40 area high school students completed Lewis-Clark State College's Northwest Intermountain Metal Manufacturing (NIMM) Career Develop Program of summer courses, college and Clearwater Economic Development Association (CEDA) officials have announced. The NIMM program is in its second year and is preparing these students for entry-level manufacturing jobs when they complete high school this spring.  more

NIC to Create Two Healthcare Programs With Workforce Development Grant
COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho, Sept. 6 -- North Idaho College issued the following news: North Idaho College has been awarded a $207,590 Idaho Department of Labor grant to fund two new courses in the healthcare field: Medical Assistant Apprenticeship and Patient Care Technician. The IDOL Workforce Development Training Industry Sector Grant Health Career Pathway Solutions Project allows the NIC Workforce Training Center to offer the new programs in conjunction with six healthcare industry partners: Kani  more

U of I Law Professors Available To Discuss Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh
MOSCOW, Idaho, Sept. 4 -- The University of Idaho issued the following news release: As hearings begin for U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, University of Idaho College of Law professors are available to comment on the judge's prior decisions and writings about issues and topics likely to be decided by the Supreme Court. The following experts are available to discuss Kavanaugh's appointment. Available faculty include: Richard Seamon has taught courses on administrative law, consti  more

U of I Parma Pomology Program Sponsors Fruit Field Day Sept. 7
MOSCOW, Idaho, Sept. 6 -- The University of Idaho issued the following news release: Visitors who spend Friday morning, Sept. 7, at the University of Idaho Parma Research and Extension Center's Pomology Orchard and Vineyard will learn by tasting the fruits of summer now heavy on the bough and vine. The Pomology Program Annual Fruit Field Day typically draws hundreds to learn about new pomology practices, sample table grapes, peaches, nectarines, apples, plums, quince, Asian pears and alternati  more

U of I Research on Grain Stalks Aims to Reduce Crop Loss, Increase Revenues
MOSCOW, Idaho, Sept. 6 -- The University of Idaho issued the following news release: University of Idaho researchers are working with counterparts at the University of Kentucky and Clemson University to breed stronger plants as part of a four-year quest to increase grain yields and reduce crop loss. Stalk lodging, when a grain stem snaps prior to harvest, is a serious problem in most grain crops and results in annual yield losses of approximately 20 percent. The problem arises as a result of f  more