Public Policy
News releases, reports, statements and associated documents from public policy organizations whose goal it is to influence the debate Washington.
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Spineless GOP Senators Up for Reelection Vote to Confirm Anti-Vax Conspiracy Theorist RFK Jr.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 -- American Bridge 21st Century, an organization that says it focuses on holding Republicans accountable and helps deliver Democratic victories, issued the following news release:
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Spineless GOP Senators Up for Reelection Vote to Confirm Anti-Vax Conspiracy Theorist RFK Jr.
Spineless senators Joni Ernst, Susan Collins, John Cornyn and Thom Tillis all voted to confirm Trump's nightmare pick for Secretary of Health and Human Services, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., despite a disastrous record of pushing numerous conspiracy theories around vaccines and HIV.
"Despite RFK Jr.'s
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WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 -- American Bridge 21st Century, an organization that says it focuses on holding Republicans accountable and helps deliver Democratic victories, issued the following news release:
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Spineless GOP Senators Up for Reelection Vote to Confirm Anti-Vax Conspiracy Theorist RFK Jr.
Spineless senators Joni Ernst, Susan Collins, John Cornyn and Thom Tillis all voted to confirm Trump's nightmare pick for Secretary of Health and Human Services, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., despite a disastrous record of pushing numerous conspiracy theories around vaccines and HIV.
"Despite RFK Jr.'sdisastrous committee hearing, where he failed to answer basic questions about Medicare and Medicaid, spineless Republican senators up for reelection chose to confirm him anyway -- prioritizing their fear of Trump over their responsibility to appoint qualified cabinet members," said Nico Delgado, spokesperson for American Bridge 21st Century. "In doing so, these cowardly Republicans have handed Trump a Health and Human Services Secretary who poses a direct threat to Americans' health and the future of Medicaid and abortion rights."
Hundreds of doctors from Maine and North Carolina have expressed their concern with RFK Jr. and urged Collins and Tillis to vote against his nomination. However, Collins, Cornyn and Tillis all helped advance RFK Jr. 's nomination out of committee despite his long list of disqualifications.
Learn more about RFK Jr.'s disqualifying history in MAGAfiles, American Bridge's comprehensive research and messaging platform on Trump's second term cabinet nominees.
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[Category: Political]
Leadership Conference Implores Senators to Reject Kash Patel's Nomination
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 -- The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights issued the following news release:
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The Leadership Conference Implores Senators to Reject Kash Patel's Nomination
WASHINGTON -- Maya Wiley, president and CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, issued the following statement after the Senate Judiciary Committee's vote to advance the nomination of Kash Patel to lead the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI):
"The Senate Judiciary Committee's vote to advance Kash Patel's nomination should alarm every person in this country. Justice hangs in the
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WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 -- The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights issued the following news release:
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The Leadership Conference Implores Senators to Reject Kash Patel's Nomination
WASHINGTON -- Maya Wiley, president and CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, issued the following statement after the Senate Judiciary Committee's vote to advance the nomination of Kash Patel to lead the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI):
"The Senate Judiciary Committee's vote to advance Kash Patel's nomination should alarm every person in this country. Justice hangs in thebalance, and Kash Patel will intentionally knock the scales over completely. Instead of law enforcement, we will have cronyism and corruption. Instead of investigating bribery, we can expect harassment of anyone considered a political enemy. Instead of investigating hate crimes, we can expect perpetuation of unfounded conspiracy theories that drive hate and even violence. As a civil rights community, we know firsthand what it was like to have an ideological FBI that violated the rights of civil rights leaders and ordinary citizens. We are invested in the future of the FBI, especially given the bureau's dark history of surveilling and infiltrating the civil rights movement and its leaders -- most notably through its COINTELPRO operation that famously and shamefully targeted Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., student activists, and people fighting poverty. Name-calling, driving fear, and targeting the victims of crimes because of their viewpoints is a dark part of our past, and we cannot return. But Kash Patel would be the general in an army of ideologues and has already jeopardized the integrity and independence of our nation's top law enforcement agency.
"As more and more disturbing reports about Mr. Patel's foreign ties, conflicts of interest, and alleged involvement in recent FBI firings pile up, senators should collectively demand a real investigation into his background, misleading statements, and possible perjury under oath. Under no circumstance should a person subject to a felony investigation be entrusted with a nearly 40,000 person law enforcement agency for a 10-year term.
"Given the immense authority the leader of the FBI possesses, we demand that any director has the necessary experience, temperament, and commitment to safeguarding everyone's rights and safety. That is not Kash Patel. The Leadership Conference opposes Mr. Patel's confirmation, and senators should make clear that nominees who lack independence and a commitment to the facts, the rule of law, and the independence of the agency, including safeguarding rights, are not qualified and will not be confirmed to this critical role."
* Nearly 60 national organizations committed to civil and human rights wrote to the Senate in opposition to Kash Patel's confirmation. Read the letter here.
* Following Patel's confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, The Leadership Conference issued a memo detailing some of his troubling responses. Read it here.
The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights is a coalition charged by its diverse membership of more than 240 national organizations to promote and protect the rights of all persons in the United States. The Leadership Conference works toward an America as good as its ideals. For more information on The Leadership Conference and its member organizations, visit
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[Category: Political]
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 -- LULAC, the League of United Latin American Citizens, issued the following news release:
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Nation's Oldest and Largest Latino Civil Rights Organization Urges Trump Administration to be All-Inclusive in Honoring Its Servicemember Heroes
Washington, D.C. - The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) strongly urges the Department of Defense to preserve the newly renamed military bases and resist any effort to use confusing semantics that disguise the original namesake
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WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 -- LULAC, the League of United Latin American Citizens, issued the following news release:
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Nation's Oldest and Largest Latino Civil Rights Organization Urges Trump Administration to be All-Inclusive in Honoring Its Servicemember Heroes
Washington, D.C. - The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) strongly urges the Department of Defense to preserve the newly renamed military bases and resist any effort to use confusing semantics that disguise the original namesakeor deny honoring heroes from historically ignored communities.
"We cannot and will not allow our military to backslide into failing to honor all communities that have served proudly and honorably," said Roman Palomares, LULAC National President and Chairman of the Board. "The renaming of America's bases was a long-overdue correction, and any attempt to change the names is an insult to the brave service members of today who come from diverse backgrounds and ethnicities."
LULAC appreciates the ongoing partnership with the Department of Defense and looks forward to working together to ensure that military institutions reflect the values of all Americans. Bases such as Fort Cavazos, Fort Johnson, Fort Moore, Fort Novosel, Fort Eisenhower, Fort Gregg-Adams, Fort Walker, and Fort Barfoot honor the true American dream and heroes who fought for freedom and unity.
"We stand by the Naming Commission's well-researched and rightful decisions," continued Palomares. "To turn back now and reinstate names like Fort Bragg, albeit after a WWII soldier who served with distinction, dishonors the Gold Star Mothers and families who were explicitly recognized when it was renamed Fort Liberty. We must move forward, not backward."
LULAC also highlights the importance of broad representation within the armed forces. Latino and African American military heroes have finally received recognition through these base renamings. The military should not only reflect the demographics of our nation but should also ensure that all service members feel valued and respected.
"We cannot have military bases named solely after White Anglo males, particularly those who betrayed our nation by fighting for the Confederacy," said Lawrence "Larry" Romo, LULAC National Board Member and Vice President for Veterans Affairs. "We honor those who defended America, not those who took up arms against it. General Richard Cavazos, a Medal of Honor recipient and a true American hero epitomized courage in both the Korean and Vietnam Wars, while John Bell Hood was a Confederate traitor. The contrast is clear--one deserves honor, the other does not."
LULAC calls on Secretary of Defense Hegseth to uphold progress and ensure that these renamed bases remain symbols of unity and patriotism for all Americans, including millions whose heroes have been overlooked.
About League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)
The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the nation's oldest and largest Latino civil rights organization. Founded in 1929, LULAC is committed to advancing the rights and opportunities of Latino Americans through advocacy, community building, and education. With a growing network of councils nationwide, LULAC remains steadfast in its mission to protect and empower millions of Latinos, contributing daily to America's prosperity. For more information about LULAC and its initiatives, please visit
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[Category: Political]
House Budget Resolution is Daylight Robbery
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 -- Public Citizen issued the following news release:
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House Budget Resolution is Daylight Robbery
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. House Budget Committee today marked up a budget resolution to tee up their reconciliation bill. Lisa Gilbert, co-president of Public Citizen, released the following statement while the markup was still underway:
"With many of the 2017 Trump tax cuts expiring at the end of 2025, Republicans are trying to shower their donors with tax giveaways that the wealthy do not deserve or need. The House Republican budget would take away our health care to
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WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 -- Public Citizen issued the following news release:
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House Budget Resolution is Daylight Robbery
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. House Budget Committee today marked up a budget resolution to tee up their reconciliation bill. Lisa Gilbert, co-president of Public Citizen, released the following statement while the markup was still underway:
"With many of the 2017 Trump tax cuts expiring at the end of 2025, Republicans are trying to shower their donors with tax giveaways that the wealthy do not deserve or need. The House Republican budget would take away our health care topay for more than $4 trillion in tax giveaways to their billionaire and big corporate donors. It's daylight robbery dressed up as tax reform, and it's going to kill and sicken millions of Americans.
"Billionaires already have more money than they know what to do with - they don't need more. Tax giveaways from corrupt politicians to greedy billionaires and CEOs have never raised wages, brought down prices, or created jobs. We grow our economy by making sure working people and families have what they need. All we have to do is defeat this corrupt boondoggle of a bill, and the tax code will automatically become fairer, more equal, and better for all of us."
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[Category: Political]
Center for European Policy Commentary: A Post-Mortem for Transatlantic Clean Tech
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 -- The Center for European Policy Analysis issued the following news:
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A Post-Mortem for Transatlantic Clean Tech
Part Six: For the past four years, Europe and the US agreed on green goals while disagreeing on tactics. Trump's re-election torpedoes this tentative rapprochement.
By Niclas Poitiers and Pauline Weil
Under the Joe Biden administration, Europe and the US shared the common aim of fighting climate change and de-risking from China. Biden rejoined the Paris climate agreement. He wielded tariffs and subsidies to sell climate policies to American voters as rebuilding
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WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 -- The Center for European Policy Analysis issued the following news:
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A Post-Mortem for Transatlantic Clean Tech
Part Six: For the past four years, Europe and the US agreed on green goals while disagreeing on tactics. Trump's re-election torpedoes this tentative rapprochement.
By Niclas Poitiers and Pauline Weil
Under the Joe Biden administration, Europe and the US shared the common aim of fighting climate change and de-risking from China. Biden rejoined the Paris climate agreement. He wielded tariffs and subsidies to sell climate policies to American voters as rebuildingUS industry. Europe pursued an ambitious green policy and became wary of Beijing's attempt to dominate green industries.
Admittedly, the allies embraced different approaches. Europe generally put more emphasis on sticks, through regulations and carbon pricing. Americans offered carrots, with tax breaks and incentives. These differences limited transatlantic coordination.
But Donald Trump's victory darkens the outlook for even this limited rapprochement. Upon moving into the White House, Trump repealed regulations aimed at promoting electric vehicles, opened vast areas of public land and federal waters for oil drilling and mining, and ordered the withdrawal of the US from the Paris Agreement.
Climate change will cease to be a shared positive-sum transatlantic objective and become a zero-sum competitiveness game. Even if a transatlantic trade war is avoided, additional US tariffs on China threaten to divert Chinese exports, swamping Europe.
Going forward, the objective will be to manage divergence. The Trump administration will object to Europe's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). Europe will resist US infractions of World Trade Organization (WTO) rules.
As the allies squabble, China could end up the winner. Beijing has won remarkable success in building successful clean tech industries. China dominates in the markets not only for solar panels and batteries but also for the materials needed to produce them, including lithium, cobalt, and polysilicon.
The Biden Strategy
The Biden administration aimed to decarbonize the US economy and build a domestic clean tech manufacturing base. Climate policy is a partisan issue in the US, explaining the emphasis on neutering it politically.
Biden's headline initiative, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), provides subsidies for the production and deployment of clean tech. The IRA stimulates demand by offering tax rebates on solar panels, wind turbines, and electric vehicles. It supports supply through subsidies to produce batteries, electric vehicles, wind turbines, and solar panels. Since the IRA subsidies are uncapped, and contingent on take-up, the final cost is unknown, but could be between $570 billion and $1.2 trillion.
The huge sums have generated transatlantic trade tension. IRA subsidies not only exclude producers that use non-American battery tech components, but also require the use of US inputs. WTO rules prohibit such local content requirements, which discriminate not just against Chinese but also against European producers.
Biden proved a tariff warrior. He quadrupled tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles to 100%, tripled them on steel and aluminum, and doubled them on chips and solar cells. It remains unclear whether IRA subsidies will compensate for the crackdown on Chinese green tech that has increased the cost and length of the US energy transition. From a political standpoint, stark price increases hurt consumers, exacerbating existing discontent with high rates of inflation.
A key question is whether the green subsidies will survive the Trump era. Some 78% of IRA-related investments are made in Republican-held congressional districts. Whether this bolstered support for IRA subsidies remains to be seen. About 30% of Republicans believe the IRA has had a negative impact on them, according to an October poll. The IRA targets affluent consumers and businesses and lacks popular support from those most hurt by the cost-of-living crisis.
The Biden administration's approach of fighting fire with fire -- embracing Chinese-inspired industrial policies -- created anxiety that Europe might have to navigate a global subsidy race, which it could not participate in given legal and fiscal constraints. US subsidies and tariffs violated WTO rules, undermining an international institution core to European values. President Trump looks set to double down on many of these policies, making the United States an unreliable partner, and even an economic threat, to Europe.
The European Union's Strategy
Carbon pricing represents the preeminent European policy tool for the green transition. Europe charges a fee for carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Currently, the price stands around $76 per ton of CO2 and covers emissions from sectors such as electricity and heat generation, carbon-intensive industries, and transport (maritime and aviation). Starting in 2027, a new carbon pricing system will be introduced to cover buildings, road transport, and other industries. For a few polluting and politically sensitive sectors such as agriculture, discussions remain ongoing.
Brussels has complemented carbon pricing with subsidy programs to support European producers in some green or strategic industries. European subsidies also support energy-efficient home renovations and encourage the use of electric vehicles. But European industrial subsidies remain much smaller than the US' IRA subsidies, confirming the contrast between Biden's IRA and Europe's emphasis on carbon pricing.
Europe's trade policy balances respect for WTO rules and ensuring fair market access. The European CBAM sets a price for imports of certain goods for which European production is part of the carbon pricing system. It aims to limit unfair competition from non-European producers free of a carbon price and avoid "carbon leakage," meaning businesses moving abroad and exporting "carbon-tax-free" to Europe. Many governments, including the US, see CBAM as a form of green protectionism.
To respect WTO rules, the European Union (EU) backed away from punitive tariffs singling out China. In October 2024, the European Commission imposed duties ranging from 18% to 45% on Chinese electric vehicles. In contrast to the much higher 100% US tariffs, these duties counter market-distorting subsidies rather than wielding a blunt instrument designed to stop a geopolitical rival.
After the IRA passed, European policymakers engaged in soul-searching, about their own industrial subsidies. Without competing subsidies, Europeans feared that the IRA could divert investments across the Atlantic. Critics feared subsidies would be a waste of money and undermine Europe's single market. National European governments have different abilities to support their domestic industries, raising fears that large countries such as Germany will outspend smaller neighbors.
Despite misgivings, Europe moved forward, allowing limited industrial subsidies to promote European clean tech production.
What Can Be Salvaged?
During the past four years, transatlantic tensions over China and climate flared. The Biden administration criticized the EU as too timid in dealing with China, while the EU criticized US violations of WTO rules. Yet, the US and Europe have developed a shared language of "de-risking" on China.
Trade conflicts worsened. Washington claimed CBAM hurt US exports. Europe complained about "national security" tariffs on European steel and aluminum exports. Europeans remained frustrated by what they considered a lack of seriousness in a US climate policy that prioritizes subsidies serving US industrial interests. They lamented US failure to consider potent instruments such as carbon pricing.
These conflicts will become secondary if, as looks probable, the Trump administration ceases to pursue a climate policy. Although it remains to be seen how much Trump will unwind IRA climate subsidies, those carried over will no longer be justified by climate objectives. Gone is a common transatlantic vision for a positive-sum green transition.
An aggressive US strategy against China could damage European clean tech industries. A new US-Sino trade war risks rerouting Chinese products into Europe, forcing Brussels to strengthen its trade defenses. Although Europe accepts de-risking, it aims to embrace cooperation and an open trade policy, while tackling unfair Chinese subsidies.
At best, the allies can hope to mitigate the risk of trade wars and collateral damage on climate policy.
Optimists point to areas of common commercial interest, such as the need to diversify critical raw materials. Some transatlantic climate diplomacy could take place among Europe and US states. The US Climate Alliance regroups 24 states representing 60% of US gross domestic product. The states are committed to the Paris Agreement and have engaged in ambitious climate policies, which employ tools similar to that of Europe's emission trading systems. Although states have limited impact on US national policy, they could prove valuable partners.
The outlook for cooperation on climate looks dark. At best, we can hope for disaster mitigation. At worst, prepare for confrontation.
Niclas Poitiers is a research fellow at the Brussels-based economics think tank Bruegel. He researches topics in international trade, global supply chains, and industrial policy. Niclas writes extensively on the geopolitical aspects of international trade and how shifts in global politics reshape supply chains. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from Universitat de Barcelona and was a visiting scholar at Northwestern University.
Pauline Weil researches high-tech trade and agriculture policy. She has worked for the think tank Bruegel, as an economist for the credit insurer Coface, and for the Directorate-General for International Partnerships in the Directorate for Asia at the European Commission on development aid policy.
Bandwidth is CEPA's online journal dedicated to advancing transatlantic cooperation on tech policy. All opinions are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the position or views of the institutions they represent or the Center for European Policy Analysis.
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[Category: Political]
British Army 'Makes Me Want to Cry' Says Trump's Ex-Advisor
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 -- The Center for European Policy Analysis issued the following news:
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British Army 'Makes Me Want to Cry' Says Trump's Ex-Advisor
Former US National Security Advisor and Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster warned London that new technology can't make up for falling numbers in its armed forces.
"The British army makes me want to cry, almost," McMaster said. "It is a professional, extremely capable army that now lacks the capacity to sustain operations."
His comments, made during a CEPA press call, came as the British army has shrunk to its smallest size since the Napoleonic
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WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 -- The Center for European Policy Analysis issued the following news:
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British Army 'Makes Me Want to Cry' Says Trump's Ex-Advisor
Former US National Security Advisor and Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster warned London that new technology can't make up for falling numbers in its armed forces.
"The British army makes me want to cry, almost," McMaster said. "It is a professional, extremely capable army that now lacks the capacity to sustain operations."
His comments, made during a CEPA press call, came as the British army has shrunk to its smallest size since the Napoleonicera and at a time when the country is seeking to position itself as NATO's leading European power.
London is cutting its regular army to fewer than 73,000 personnel through 2025, a move that has sparked widespread criticism, especially amid the heightened threat from Russia. The reduction is part of Britain's Future Soldier strategy, launched in 2021, which seeks to modernize the military to better respond to next-generation threats, while including reserves to maintain an overall force of more than 100,000.
It represents the most radical overhaul of the army in more than two decades but lawmakers have warned that the troop reductions could leave Britain unable to sustain large-scale operations.
The strategy is based on a long-running assumption that it's possible to achieve security and operate effectively in times of war by cutting troops and instead "investing more and more money in fewer and fewer exquisite systems," McMaster told reporters. But "the day often really does go to the side with the bigger battalions," he said, citing Russia's war in Ukraine as evidence that force size still matters.
"I'm encouraged by the recognition among the British leadership that this is a big problem," he said. "What to do about it is very much being debated."
The signs are not all positive. The Labour government says it will raise defense spending incrementally from 2.3% to 2.5% of GDP but is awaiting its Strategic Defense Review to report before making a decision on timings. Meanwhile, the media has been flooded with unattributed news stories saying the military and the government, especially the Treasury, are seriously at odds.
Defense ministry officials are known to be extremely worried about the armed forces' weaknesses. One minister said in December that the army could be completely wiped out in six months of intensive warfare like that seen in Ukraine.
The Financial Times stated on February 13 that some in the government want to ditch the 2.5% commitment, given the country's strained finances. The military is said to want 3.5% to repair the damage done by 20 years of budget reductions but would, reportedly, accept 2.65%.
It's likely there will in fact be cuts to the UK defense budget in the near term, the paper said.
And it's not just Britain. There's "a real problem in the capacity of armed forces" throughout Europe, McMaster said. Decades of underinvestment have left many of the continent's militaries struggling to rebuild from post-Cold War cuts and they have lost around 35% of their capability in the past 25 years.
"I use the British army to illustrate," McMaster said, but "I think the problem across all of our armies, including the US Army, is there's a real capacity issue."
He also pointed to inadequate defense spending elsewhere in Europe: "Germany's declared the zeitenwende, but there hasn't been enough activity in terms of rebuilding. The armed forces were dismantled in the post-Cold War period, and especially in the 2000s, and [have] really continued in a state of being dismantled."
While there's been significant effort to boost the continent's military spending, some NATO members still fail to meet the alliance's guideline of allocating 2% of GDP to defense. The strain has been evident in ammunition shortages, outdated equipment, and recruitment challenges - weaknesses laid bare since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
The UK remains active in NATO and is currently participating in Exercise Steadfast Dart 25, a major operation running until February 26. Armed Forces Minister Luke Pollard said it was a demonstration of Britain's "unshakable commitment" to NATO and Britain's "key leadership role in the alliance."
As London prepares its defense and security report, McMaster's remarks raise questions over the UK's capacity to back up its NATO ambitions with deeds.
This article is based on a press call organized by the Center for European Policy Analysis and has been summarized by CEPA editorial staff.
Europe's Edge is CEPA's online journal covering critical topics on the foreign policy docket across Europe and North America. All opinions are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the position or views of the institutions they represent or the Center for European Policy Analysis.
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[Category: Political]
Breaking: In Response To Emergency Litigation, Trump Administration Agrees To Keep Hands Off CFPB Funding
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 -- Democracy Forward, an organization that says it advances democracy and social progress through litigation, policy and public education and regulatory engagement, issued the following news release:
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Breaking: In Response To Emergency Litigation, Trump Administration Agrees To Keep Hands Off CFPB Funding
Government agrees not to unilaterally defund CFPB until case is heard in challenge brought by City of Baltimore and Economic Action Maryland Fund
Washington, DC -- Today, the Trump administration agreed not to unilaterally defund the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
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WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 -- Democracy Forward, an organization that says it advances democracy and social progress through litigation, policy and public education and regulatory engagement, issued the following news release:
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Breaking: In Response To Emergency Litigation, Trump Administration Agrees To Keep Hands Off CFPB Funding
Government agrees not to unilaterally defund CFPB until case is heard in challenge brought by City of Baltimore and Economic Action Maryland Fund
Washington, DC -- Today, the Trump administration agreed not to unilaterally defund the Consumer Financial Protection Bureauuntil a case is heard in challenge brought by the City of Baltimore and Economic Action Maryland Fund. The legal challenge was filed last night by Democracy Forward, asking the court to stop Russ Vought from transferring the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's funds to the Federal Reserve.
"Economic Action Maryland Fund is thrilled to have temporarily halted the Administration's attempt to defund and defang the CFPB whose mandate is to protect consumers from predatory financial products & services. This is a win for consumers across the country!" said Marceline White, Executive Director of Economic Action Maryland Fund (Economic Action).
"The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau protects all Americans from predatory and discriminatory practices. It has returned $20 billion back to the American public, yet again, it is unfortunate we have had to resort to litigation to protect this consumer watchdog," said Democracy Forward President & CEO Skye Perryman. "We are pleased the government has agreed to keep its hands off the Bureau's funding until the court can hear this case."
Read the original complaint here.
Democracy Forward is a national legal organization that advances democracy and social progress through litigation, policy, public education, and regulatory engagement. For more information, please visit
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[Category: Political]