Saturday - February 1, 2025
TNS Tipoffs - Energy and Gov't Newsletter for Monday September 16, 2024 ( 2 items )  

Hickenlooper Announces Bipartisan Effort to Secure American Critical Minerals Leadership
WASHINGTON, Sept. 13 -- Sen. John Hickenlooper, D-Colorado, issued the following news release: Hickenlooper: "We need to secure energy independence for America. We can't do that and we can't ethically address climate change without taking the lead on these critical minerals" Hickenlooper, Tillis introduce bills to take back reins on critical minerals production, critical for our clean energy future GOLDEN, COLO. Today, in a speech at the Colorado School of Mines, U.S. Senator John Hickenloop  more

Penn College Earns DOE Zero Energy Design Designation
WILLIAMSPORT, Pennsylvania, Sept. 15 -- The Pennsylvania College of Technology issued the following news: Pennsylvania College of Technology's architecture majors are among the recipients of the U.S. Department of Energy's Zero Energy Design Designation in the department's 2024 cohort . "Penn College's programs have always focused on sustainability, especially from a zero-energy design perspective. Thus, we're both excited and honored to be recognized as part of this year's ZEDD cohort," said   more