Hickenlooper Announces Bipartisan Effort to Secure American Critical Minerals Leadership
September 13, 2024
September 13, 2024
WASHINGTON, Sept. 13 -- Sen. John Hickenlooper, D-Colorado, issued the following news release:
Hickenlooper: "We need to secure energy independence for America. We can't do that and we can't ethically address climate change without taking the lead on these critical minerals"
Hickenlooper, Tillis introduce bills to take back reins on critical minerals production, critical for our clean energy future
GOLDEN, COLO. Today, in a speech at th . . .
Hickenlooper: "We need to secure energy independence for America. We can't do that and we can't ethically address climate change without taking the lead on these critical minerals"
Hickenlooper, Tillis introduce bills to take back reins on critical minerals production, critical for our clean energy future
GOLDEN, COLO. Today, in a speech at th . . .