Saturday - March 15, 2025
Tipoffs for Great Bend, Kansas (State) Newsletter for Friday July 05, 2024 ( 2 items )  

CRH to Host Organic Grains in Kansas Workshop
SALINA, Kansas, July 4 -- Kansas Wesleyan University issued the following news release: An in-person workshop, "Intro to Organic: How Organic Grain Works in Kansas - Agronomy and Marketing," will be hosted July 30 at Kansas Wesleyan University by the KWU's Community Resilience Hub (CRH) and the Organic Agronomy Training Service (OATS). As interest in organic grains grows, farmers often seek guidance from their ag advisors. This workshop will help those farmers and their advisors have the knowl  more

KDOT's Safe Routes to School Announces Grant Recipients
TOPEKA, Kansas, July 4 -- The Kansas Department of Transportation issued the following news release: The Kansas Department of Transportation's Safe Routes to School Program announces six Kansas communities received the 2024-2025 Planning and Programming (P&P) grants. These grants will fund SRTS plans covering a total of eight schools in Sedan, Riverton, Silver Lake, Wellsville, Wallace County Schools and Weskan Unified School District 242. Work on these plans will start in August, and final pl  more