KDOT's Safe Routes to School Announces Grant Recipients
July 04, 2024
July 04, 2024
TOPEKA, Kansas, July 4 -- The Kansas Department of Transportation issued the following news release:
The Kansas Department of Transportation's Safe Routes to School Program announces six Kansas communities received the 2024-2025 Planning and Programming (P&P) grants.
These grants will fund SRTS plans covering a total of eight schools in Sedan, Riverton, Silver Lake, Wellsville, Wallace County Schools and Weskan Unified School District 242. Work on these plans w . . .
The Kansas Department of Transportation's Safe Routes to School Program announces six Kansas communities received the 2024-2025 Planning and Programming (P&P) grants.
These grants will fund SRTS plans covering a total of eight schools in Sedan, Riverton, Silver Lake, Wellsville, Wallace County Schools and Weskan Unified School District 242. Work on these plans w . . .