Tuesday - March 4, 2025
State Tipoffs Involving Vermont Newsletter for Sunday April 21, 2024 ( 8 items )  

Conn. Energy Dept.: New England States Seek Federal Funding for Significant Investments in Transmission and Energy Storage Infrastructure
HARTFORD, Connecticut, April 18 -- The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection issued the following news release: A coalition of New England states jointly submitted two applications to secure federal funding to support investments in large-scale transmission and energy storage infrastructure to enhance grid reliability and resilience across the region. The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resource  more

Mass. Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs: New England States Seek Federal Funding for Significant Investments in Transmission and Energy Storage Infrastructure
BOSTON, Massachusetts, April 18 -- The Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs issued the following news release: A coalition of New England states jointly submitted two applications to secure federal funding to support investments in large-scale transmission and energy storage infrastructure to enhance grid reliability and resilience across the region. The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources, the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection,  more

Rockland Community College Announces 2024 Commencement Plans
ROCKLAND, New York, April 20 -- Rockland Community College issued the following news release: Rockland Community College (RCC) is gearing up to celebrate their Spring 2024 graduates, as well as Summer and Fall 2023 conferred graduates, at their 2024 Commencement Ceremony on Monday, May 20, 2024 at 11:00 AM. The ceremony will be held at Clover Stadium, in Pomona, New York. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Alfredo Medina, Jr. who serves as Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and as  more

Statement From Vt. Gov. Scott on the House Property Tax Bill
MONTPELIER, Vermont, April 19 -- Gov. Phil Scott, R-Vermont, issued the following news release on April 18, 2024: Governor Phil Scott today issued the following statement in response to the yield bill passed by House Ways & Means, which will lead to a painful property tax increase for Vermonters: "Vermonters already face a daunting tax burden. Too many are struggling to get by, and simply cannot afford to see their costs continue to go up. Vermonters have also made themselves abundantly clear:  more

Tatiana Smorodinska Named Director of Middlebury School of Russian
MIDDLEBURY, Vermont, April 19 -- Middlebury College issued the following news: * * * The C.V. Starr Professor of Russian and East European Studies will start in September as director of the Kathryn Wasserman Davis School of Russian. * * * Middlebury has named Tatiana Smorodinska as the next director of the Kathryn Wasserman Davis School of Russian, one of 13 Middlebury Language Schools, known internationally for their full-immersion approach to language teaching and the Language Pledge. She   more

University of Vermont: Scientists Discover Forests That May Resist Climate Change
BURLINGTON, Vermont, April 18 (TNSres) -- The University of Vermont issued the following news: * * * A surprising phenomenon changes how forests are organized--and may help protect species from climate change, UVM researchers say * * * While it's common knowledge that mountaintops are colder than the valleys below, a new University of Vermont (UVM) study is flipping the script on what we know about forests and climate. The study, published in Ecology and Evolution, explores forests that exp  more

Vt. Gov. Scott: Music Drives Us Launches New Grant Program in Partnership With Vermont
MONTPELIER, Vermont, April 16 -- Gov. Phil Scott, R-Vermont, issued the following news release on April 15, 2024: Governor Phil Scott and Ernie Boch Jr. today announced the launch of a new grant program aimed at supporting music programs in Vermont schools. The program will be run in coordination with Mr. Boch's foundation, Music Drives Us. Music Drives Us (MDU) is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that strives to inspire New England's musicians of tomorrow by supporting their music  more

Vt. Lt. Gov. Zuckerman Statement on Governor's Opposition to H. 687
MONTPELIER, Vermont, April 20 -- Lt. Gov. David Zuckerman, D-Vermont, issued the following statement on April 19, 2024: * * * On Friday, Lt. Governor David Zuckerman issued the following statement regarding the Governor's opposition to H. 687: "Governor Scott has often emphasized the need to work together to address persistent problems that we are facing in Vermont, such as housing. I agree that collaboration is key to creating balanced policies that can allow for faster and smarter developme  more