Tuesday - March 4, 2025
State Tipoffs Involving Vermont Newsletter for Sunday April 14, 2024 ( 8 items )  

Champlain College: Redesigned (and Renamed) Writing & Publishing Program to Launch Fall '24
BURLINGTON, Vermont, April 12 (TNSres) -- Champlain College issued the following news on April 11, 2024: By Tanya Lee Stone As ever, the Professional Writing program at Champlain College prepares students to make a living as writers across a broad variety of careers. They can study the foundation of craft across multiple genres (fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and beyond), develop strong skill sets in editing and revision, learn about numerous professional pathways in publishing through   more

Idaho State University: Idaho Museum of Natural History Adds Giant Skeletons to National 3D Collection
POCATELLO, Idaho, April 12 (TNSres) -- Idaho State University issued the following news: A zoologist is poring over a digital version of the skull of an Arctic wolf from her office in Arizona. Meanwhile, an artist notices the intricate details of a western diamondback on her screen in Vermont. While they're hypothetical, each scenario is now possible thanks to the work of researchers at the Idaho Museum of Natural History and more than a dozen other institutions. The project, called openVerteb  more

N.C. Insurance Commissioner Causey Announces New Ranking for Captive Insurance Companies in 2023
RALEIGH, North Carolina, April 12 -- The North Carolina Department of Insurance issued the following news release on April 11, 2024: North Carolina Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey announces today that the state of North Carolina is now the third largest domicile for captive insurance companies in the U.S., trailing only Vermont and Utah. A captive insurance company is a type of self-insurance that businesses use to manage their own risks. A 'domicile' is the country, state or territory that  more

Seven From Middlebury Receive National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships
MIDDLEBURY, Vermont, April 12 (TNSres) -- Middlebury College issued the following news: Two Middlebury seniors and five recent graduates have been offered National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships (NSF GRFP). The highly selective program supports outstanding students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines who are pursuing research-based master's and doctoral degrees at U.S. institutions. Six additional Middlebury alumni and a current student received ho  more

Statement From Vt. Gov. Scott on the Resignation of Senator Richard T. Mazza
BERLIN, Vermont, April 10 -- Gov. Phil Scott, R-Vermont, issued the following statement on April 8, 2024: * * * Governor Phil Scott today issued the following statement following the resignation of his good friend and mentor, Senator Richard T. Mazza, after 42 years of service in Montpelier, including the last 39 representing Colchester and Grand Isle County in the Vermont Senate: "It would be difficult to find a Vermonter who has been more impactful, committed or dedicated to public service   more

University of Vermont: Americans More Willing to Pay for Climate Action After Extreme Weather
BURLINGTON, Vermont, April 13 (TNSres) -- The University of Vermont issued the following news: * * * Even among those who say climate change is not human-caused, support for climate action jumps with personal experience of extreme climate events, new research shows * * * By Lauren Milideo People who personally experience extreme climate events, especially wildfires and hurricanes, are willing to pay significantly more for climate action, even if they report skepticism about human-caused cli  more

Vermont Law and Graduate School Unveils Patrick J. Leahy House
SOUTH ROYALTON, Vermont, April 13 -- The Vermont Law and Graduate School issued the following news release: Lifelong advocate for justice reform and agriculture policy, a state's attorney and Vermonter born and raised, Patrick J. Leahy now has his very own building on the Vermont Law and Graduate School campus. A ribbon-cutting ceremony held today at the school's South Royalton campus made it official, as President Rodney A. Smolla and fellow leadership welcomed guests and dignitaries. Leahy  more

Vt. Gov. Scott and the State of Vermont Fully Committed to Vermont's Cutting-Edge V-GaN Tech Hub
BERLIN, Vermont, April 10 -- Gov. Phil Scott, R-Vermont, issued the following news release on April 9, 2024: Governor Phil Scott today reiterated his strong support for Vermont's Tech Hub V-GaN by devoting resources to transform the Green Mountain State into a world leader in Gallium Nitride (GaN) semiconductors. "This Tech Hub designation will expand Vermont's expanding tech sector and introduce new and lucrative career opportunities for Vermonters," said Governor Scott. "The State's collabor  more