Vermont Law and Graduate School Unveils Patrick J. Leahy House
April 13, 2024
April 13, 2024
SOUTH ROYALTON, Vermont, April 13 -- The Vermont Law and Graduate School issued the following news release:
Lifelong advocate for justice reform and agriculture policy, a state's attorney and Vermonter born and raised, Patrick J. Leahy now has his very own building on the Vermont Law and Graduate School campus.
A ribbon-cutting ceremony held today at the school's South Royalton campus made it official, as President Rodney A. Smolla and fellow leadership welco . . .
Lifelong advocate for justice reform and agriculture policy, a state's attorney and Vermonter born and raised, Patrick J. Leahy now has his very own building on the Vermont Law and Graduate School campus.
A ribbon-cutting ceremony held today at the school's South Royalton campus made it official, as President Rodney A. Smolla and fellow leadership welco . . .