Friday - July 26, 2024
Politics - Parties, Candidates

News releases, reports, statements and associated documents from politicians, candidates and interested parties - covering the U.S. political arena including state and national political parties.

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LAS VEGAS, Nevada, July 26 -- The Nevada Democratic Party issued the following news release:

A column by Nevada Current editor Hugh Jackson slammed MAGA extremist Sam Brown for canceling a visit to Elko so he could go rub elbows with Donald Trump and Big Tech billionaires at a BitCoin conference in Nashville.

According to Jackson, Brown seems more interested in the "star-studded lineup" of the national conference than Elko County voters.

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Read more about Brown blowing off rural Nevada voters below:

Nevada Current (OPINION): Sam Brown cancels campaign visit to Elko for Bitcoin conference ... Show Full Article

One Question We'd Ask Lt. Gov Mike Kehoe If He Showed Up To A Debate: What Do You Stand For?
JEFFERSON CITY, Missouri, July 26 -- The Democratic Party of Missouri issued the following news on July 25, 2024:

Last night, while the two other GOP gubernatorial candidates demonstrated why they would be disastrous for Missouri during a taped debate, Lt. Governor Mike Kehoe declined to show- again. Hiding from his record, Kehoe has declined to join either of his opponents in a live debate to avoid answering serious questions about his current and former positions.

The question the Missouri Democratic Party would ask: What exactly do you stand for?

Last week, reporting outed that Kehoe's campaign ... Show Full Article

NEW VIDEO: Mike Rogers Cashed In to Make Millions and Sold Michiganders Out
LANSING, Michigan, July 26 -- The Michigan Democratic Party issued the following news release on July 25, 2024:

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New digital video highlights Rogers cashing in on the favors he did for special interests, making a fortune working with businesses tied to Chinese and Saudi tech, and selling Michiganders out

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With less than two weeks until the primary election, today the Michigan Democratic Party released "Cashed In," a new digital video hitting Mike Rogers on using his Congressional connections to make millions of dollars working to help businesses tied to foreign adversaries.

The video ... Show Full Article

Idaho Democratic Party: A Message From the Chair - Project 2025 Agenda Will Harm Idaho Families
BOISE, Idaho, July 26 -- The Idaho Democratic Party issued the following news item in a blog entry:

Our nation was founded on the enduring principles of freedom, personal liberty, and the opportunity to leave a better life for our children. However, the proposals within Project 2025 threaten these ideals and the future of our state. Driven by the conservative Heritage Foundation and Republican operatives, this radical plan threatens to dismantle the progress we've made and undermine our economy, education, healthcare, and fundamental freedoms.

One of the most alarming aspects of Project 2025 ... Show Full Article

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee: The More They Hear About It, The More Latinos Oppose MAGA Republicans' Project 2025
WASHINGTON, July 26 (TNSres) -- The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee issued the following news release:

New polling from Navigator Research shows that as Latino voters learn more about MAGA Republicans' Project 2025, their opposition towards it increases.

Of Latinos who had heard of Project 2025, 42 percent opposed it without receiving any description. After learning about the policies included in MAGA Republicans' Project 2025 and the dangers it poses, that goes up by 29 points to 71 percent of Latinos opposing it.

This new polling shows the liability of MAGA Republicans' embrace ... Show Full Article

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee: House Republicans Give Up On Governing, Call It Quits
WASHINGTON, July 26 -- The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee issued the following news release:

Extreme House Republicans are calling it quits, breaking for an undeserved summer vacation a week earlier than scheduled because of internal party fighting and all-out refusal to get anything done for hardworking American taxpayers.

Rather than do the work of the people, House Republicans and their most vulnerable members are throwing in the towel.

Meanwhile, Majority Whip Tom Emmer tried to excuse his party's dysfunction, claiming "I don't know that there's much left to do." Really? Republicans ... Show Full Article

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee: As Susan Wild Pushes for Bipartisan Bill to Protect IVF, Ryan Mackenzie Wipes Anti-Abortion Record From Website
WASHINGTON, July 26 -- The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee issued the following news release:

Following Republican-led attacks on access to IVF services at the federal and state levels, Congresswoman Susan Wild introduced a new discharge petition yesterday to force a vote on her bill to codify IVF access nationwide.

Rep. Wild's continued work protecting and expanding women and families' fundamental freedom puts far-right Republican Ryan Mackenzie "on the spot" for his self-proclaimed "100% pro-life voting record" - which he recently scrubbed from his campaign website.

Mackenzie, ... Show Full Article