Georgia landlords say they provide security, but still face legal peril
March 06, 2025
March 06, 2025
ATLANTA, Georgia, March 6 -- The Georgia Public Policy Foundation posted the following news release:
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Georgia landlords say they provide security, but still face legal peril
(Writer's Note: This is the first of a three-part series about how Georgia's lack of tort reform has affected the real estate industry)
In Georgia, you can be held civilly liable if a criminal harms another person in your place of business and a court rules . . .
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Georgia landlords say they provide security, but still face legal peril
(Writer's Note: This is the first of a three-part series about how Georgia's lack of tort reform has affected the real estate industry)
In Georgia, you can be held civilly liable if a criminal harms another person in your place of business and a court rules . . .