Mastercard Foundation President and CEO, Reeta Roy, Announces Decision to Transition From the Foundation
February 04, 2025
February 04, 2025
TORONTO, Ontario, Feb. 4 -- The Mastercard Foundation issued the following news release:
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Mastercard Foundation President and CEO, Reeta Roy, Announces Decision to Transition from the Foundation
* Instrumental in Building One of the Largest and Most Impactful Philanthropies in the World
* Bold Decision to Focus on Young People in Africa and in Indigenous Communities in Canada, Prioritizing Local Solutions and Partners
* Led M . . .
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Mastercard Foundation President and CEO, Reeta Roy, Announces Decision to Transition from the Foundation
* Instrumental in Building One of the Largest and Most Impactful Philanthropies in the World
* Bold Decision to Focus on Young People in Africa and in Indigenous Communities in Canada, Prioritizing Local Solutions and Partners
* Led M . . .