Army Adds 10 Basic Training Units
February 10, 2025
February 10, 2025
ARLINGTON, Virginia, Feb. 10 [Category: National Defense] -- The Association of the U.S. Army posted the following news:
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Army Adds 10 Basic Training Units
Buoyed by a resurgence in enlistments after two tough recruiting years, the Army is expanding the number of units that can train new recruits.
Ten additional training units will be established by April and split between basic training sites at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, and Fort Sill . . .
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Army Adds 10 Basic Training Units
Buoyed by a resurgence in enlistments after two tough recruiting years, the Army is expanding the number of units that can train new recruits.
Ten additional training units will be established by April and split between basic training sites at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, and Fort Sill . . .