Risch, Daines Introduce Bill to Give Small Businesses Permanent Tax Break
February 06, 2025
February 06, 2025
WASHINGTON, Feb. 6 -- Sen. James Risch, R-Idaho, issued the following news release:
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Risch, Daines Introduce Bill to Give Small Businesses Permanent Tax Break
WASHINGTON - U.S. Senators Jim Risch (R-Idaho) and Steve Daines (R-Mont.) introduced the Main Street Tax Certainty Act to permanently extend the 20 percent tax deduction for pass-through businesses. Should these tax cuts expire, small businesses will face an immediate and massive tax hike.
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Risch, Daines Introduce Bill to Give Small Businesses Permanent Tax Break
WASHINGTON - U.S. Senators Jim Risch (R-Idaho) and Steve Daines (R-Mont.) introduced the Main Street Tax Certainty Act to permanently extend the 20 percent tax deduction for pass-through businesses. Should these tax cuts expire, small businesses will face an immediate and massive tax hike.
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