Stroke warning sign acronyms drive 911 calls, F.A.S.T. leads in symptom recall for public
January 30, 2025
January 30, 2025
DALLAS, Texas, Jan. 30 [Category: Health Care] -- The American Heart Association posted the following news release:
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Stroke warning sign acronyms drive 911 calls, F.A.S.T. leads in symptom recall for public
Research Highlights:
* Both F.A.S.T. and BE-FAST acronyms motivated people to call 911 right away for a possible stroke, and this impact lasted for 30 days.
* F.A.S.T. outperformed BE-FAST in the ability for people to r . . .
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Stroke warning sign acronyms drive 911 calls, F.A.S.T. leads in symptom recall for public
Research Highlights:
* Both F.A.S.T. and BE-FAST acronyms motivated people to call 911 right away for a possible stroke, and this impact lasted for 30 days.
* F.A.S.T. outperformed BE-FAST in the ability for people to r . . .