Taming clutter makes a home safer and more useable
January 28, 2025
January 28, 2025
STILLWATER, Oklahoma, Jan. 28 -- Oklahoma State University issued the following news:
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Taming clutter makes a home safer and more useable
Media Contact: Trisha Gedon | Sr. Communications Specialist | 405-744-3625 | trisha.gedon@okstate.edu
While made with good intentions, a New Year's resolution to reduce clutter in the home may have waned by now. Hopping back on the bandwagon to clean up living spaces has multiple benefits.
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Taming clutter makes a home safer and more useable
Media Contact: Trisha Gedon | Sr. Communications Specialist | 405-744-3625 | trisha.gedon@okstate.edu
While made with good intentions, a New Year's resolution to reduce clutter in the home may have waned by now. Hopping back on the bandwagon to clean up living spaces has multiple benefits.
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