Governor Glenn Youngkin Announces Planning Grant Funding for Cumberland County
January 14, 2025
January 14, 2025
RICHMOND, Virginia, Jan. 14 -- Gov. Glenn Youngkin, R-Virginia, issued the following news release:
Grants will fund an agricultural economic development plan to address gaps in the rural economy and improve food access in Cumberland County
RICHMOND, VA - Governor Glenn Youngkin announced today that Cumberland County will receive a Governor's Agriculture and Forestry Industries Development (AFID) Fund Planning Grant. This grant will be combined with funding from t . . .
Grants will fund an agricultural economic development plan to address gaps in the rural economy and improve food access in Cumberland County
RICHMOND, VA - Governor Glenn Youngkin announced today that Cumberland County will receive a Governor's Agriculture and Forestry Industries Development (AFID) Fund Planning Grant. This grant will be combined with funding from t . . .