Governor Abbott Requests SBA Disaster Declaration For Laredo Water Supply Issue
January 13, 2025
January 13, 2025
AUSTIN, Texas, Jan. 13 -- Gov. Greg Abbott, R-Texas, issued the following news release:
Governor Greg Abbott announced today that he requested a disaster declaration from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) for Webb County following prolonged boil water notices caused by a water connection issue in Laredo in October.
"Since last October when Laredo was impacted by prolonged boil water notices, Texas continues working with local officials to ensure there a . . .
Governor Greg Abbott announced today that he requested a disaster declaration from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) for Webb County following prolonged boil water notices caused by a water connection issue in Laredo in October.
"Since last October when Laredo was impacted by prolonged boil water notices, Texas continues working with local officials to ensure there a . . .