Race- and gender-based microaggressions linked to higher post-birth blood pressure
January 09, 2025
January 09, 2025
DALLAS, Texas, Jan. 9 [Category: Health Care] -- The American Heart Association issued the following news release:
Research Highlights:
More than one-third of Asian, Black and Hispanic women in the study group reported experiencing at least one microaggression related to race and gender during or after their pregnancy.
The link between racial microaggressions and postpartum blood pressure was strongest 10 or more days after delivery, when the blood pressur . . .
Research Highlights:
More than one-third of Asian, Black and Hispanic women in the study group reported experiencing at least one microaggression related to race and gender during or after their pregnancy.
The link between racial microaggressions and postpartum blood pressure was strongest 10 or more days after delivery, when the blood pressur . . .