McConnell Remarks On Retiring Senator Kyrsten Sinema
December 18, 2024
December 18, 2024
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 (Sen.) -- Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, issued the following news release:
"Arizona's senior Senator stood up in the face of a grave threat to this institution's defining characteristic and said 'no'. And in doing so, she sent a message that will resonate long after her departure from the chamber."
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding Senato . . .
"Arizona's senior Senator stood up in the face of a grave threat to this institution's defining characteristic and said 'no'. And in doing so, she sent a message that will resonate long after her departure from the chamber."
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding Senato . . .