Reps. Crow, Rogers and Sens. Bennet and Cramer Introduce Bipartisan Resolution Honoring the Fifth Anniversary of the Founding of the US Space Force
December 04, 2024
December 04, 2024
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4 -- Rep. Jason Crow, D-Colorado, issued the following news release:
Today Congressman Jason Crow (D-CO-06), a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq, joined Chair of the House Armed Services Committee Mike Rogers (R-AL-3) in introducing a bipartisan resolution honoring the fifth anniversary of the founding of the United States Space Force, which will fall on December 20, 2024. A companion resolution honoring this anniversary was also introduced in the Senate by Senators M . . .
Today Congressman Jason Crow (D-CO-06), a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq, joined Chair of the House Armed Services Committee Mike Rogers (R-AL-3) in introducing a bipartisan resolution honoring the fifth anniversary of the founding of the United States Space Force, which will fall on December 20, 2024. A companion resolution honoring this anniversary was also introduced in the Senate by Senators M . . .