Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: Coastal Retreat in Alaska is Accelerating Because of Compound Climate Impacts
December 04, 2024
December 04, 2024
WOODS HOLE, Massachusetts, Dec. 4 -- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution issued the following news release:
The overlapping effects of sea level rise, permafrost thaw subsidence, and erosion may lead to land loss in Arctic coastal regions that dwarfs the land loss from any single one of these climate hazards, scientists say.
While 75 years of aerial and satellite observations have established coastal erosion as an increasing Arctic hazard, other hazards--including the . . .
The overlapping effects of sea level rise, permafrost thaw subsidence, and erosion may lead to land loss in Arctic coastal regions that dwarfs the land loss from any single one of these climate hazards, scientists say.
While 75 years of aerial and satellite observations have established coastal erosion as an increasing Arctic hazard, other hazards--including the . . .