"Frost Flowers" an excerpt from 'This is How a Robin Drinks'
December 02, 2024
December 02, 2024
NASHVILLE, Tennessee, Dec. 2 -- Vanderbilt University issued the following news:
Reprinted courtesy of Trinity University Press. This excerpt appeared in the book This is How a Robin Drinks: Essays on Urban Nature, by Joanna Brichetto, MA'06 (JLBrichetto@gmail.com), published in September by Trinity University Press. For more information, please visit tupress.org.
"Let's go see the ice mushrooms," Michael said. His tone implied the trip would be worth trading . . .
Reprinted courtesy of Trinity University Press. This excerpt appeared in the book This is How a Robin Drinks: Essays on Urban Nature, by Joanna Brichetto, MA'06 (JLBrichetto@gmail.com), published in September by Trinity University Press. For more information, please visit tupress.org.
"Let's go see the ice mushrooms," Michael said. His tone implied the trip would be worth trading . . .