Reporters Without Borders: Rana Ayyub, the Face of India's Women Journalists Plagued by Cyber-Harassment
November 28, 2024
November 28, 2024
PARIS, France, Nov. 28 -- Reporters Without Borders issued the following news:
Rana Ayyub, a columnist for the American media outlet The Washington Post, is regularly the target of violent online smear campaigns. From doxxing to threats and false rumours, the renowned journalist is targeted on all fronts. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls on the Indian authorities to put a definitive end to this horrible harassment by ensuring these crimes are punished, and urges the social medi . . .
Rana Ayyub, a columnist for the American media outlet The Washington Post, is regularly the target of violent online smear campaigns. From doxxing to threats and false rumours, the renowned journalist is targeted on all fronts. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls on the Indian authorities to put a definitive end to this horrible harassment by ensuring these crimes are punished, and urges the social medi . . .