Buffalo State University: Interdisciplinary Collaboration Culminates in New Ghana Study Abroad Program
November 26, 2024
November 26, 2024
BUFFALO, New York, Nov. 26 -- Buffalo State University issued the following news release:
The relationship between Buffalo State University's Africana Studies and Fashion & Textile Technology (FTT) programs has resulted in multiple collaborative endeavors over the past five years, including enhancements to Runway, FTT's annual student-produced fashion show; the creation of a Fashion Scholarship and the new course FTT 389: Black in Fashion; and student-designed merchand . . .
The relationship between Buffalo State University's Africana Studies and Fashion & Textile Technology (FTT) programs has resulted in multiple collaborative endeavors over the past five years, including enhancements to Runway, FTT's annual student-produced fashion show; the creation of a Fashion Scholarship and the new course FTT 389: Black in Fashion; and student-designed merchand . . .