Carbon Storage Planning Inquiry Tool Available on NETL's Energy Data EXchange
August 29, 2024
August 29, 2024
PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania, Aug. 29 -- The U.S. Department of Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory issued the following news:
The Carbon Storage Planning Inquiry Tool, or PlanIT, is now available on NETL's Energy Data eXchange(R), providing easy access to explore, query and evaluate thousands of relevant data features and attributes from 14 authoritative sources in one place, to support and accelerate carbon storage feasibility assessments and planning efforts.
The Carbon Storage Planning Inquiry Tool, or PlanIT, is now available on NETL's Energy Data eXchange(R), providing easy access to explore, query and evaluate thousands of relevant data features and attributes from 14 authoritative sources in one place, to support and accelerate carbon storage feasibility assessments and planning efforts.