Donald Duck Appears on a Custom Episode of Hot Ones as the Walt Disney Company Continues Celebrating 90 Years of the Iconic Duck
August 24, 2024
August 24, 2024
BURBANK, California, Aug. 24 -- The Walt Disney Company issued the following news release on Aug. 22, 2024:
Today, in celebration of 90 years of Donald Duck, one of the internet's hottest celebrity interview shows, Hot Ones, released a custom episode with special guest Donald Duck. Put up to the challenge by Daisy Duck and with support from Mickey Mouse, in this episode, Donald is set to prove he can take on the heat of a special curated set of Disney hot sauces over cauliflower win . . .
Today, in celebration of 90 years of Donald Duck, one of the internet's hottest celebrity interview shows, Hot Ones, released a custom episode with special guest Donald Duck. Put up to the challenge by Daisy Duck and with support from Mickey Mouse, in this episode, Donald is set to prove he can take on the heat of a special curated set of Disney hot sauces over cauliflower win . . .