Rep. Emmer Celebrates Federal Investment in Sixth District Infrastructure Projects
August 10, 2024
August 10, 2024
NORWOOD YOUNG AMERICA, Minnesota, Aug. 10 -- Rep. Tom Emmer, R-Minnesota, issued the following news release on Aug. 9, 2024:
This week, Congressman Emmer celebrated federal investments for two hard transportation infrastructure projects in Carver County.
"Investing in transportation infrastructure isn't just about saving Minnesotans time. It's about enhancing safety for everyone who uses these corridors, improving efficiency, and stimulating economic gro . . .
This week, Congressman Emmer celebrated federal investments for two hard transportation infrastructure projects in Carver County.
"Investing in transportation infrastructure isn't just about saving Minnesotans time. It's about enhancing safety for everyone who uses these corridors, improving efficiency, and stimulating economic gro . . .