Michigan's Nonpoint Source Program Leads Nation in Protecting High Quality Waters Through Conservation Easements
July 31, 2024
July 31, 2024
LANSING, Michigan, July 31 -- The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy issued the following news release:
Michigan's 76,439 miles of rivers and streams and 11,000 inland lakes are an incredible treasure contributing to Michigan's legacy of clean water supporting world class fisheries.
The best way to preserve these exceptional resources, which also provide important ecosystem services like flood storage and corridors for wildlife, is to p . . .
Michigan's 76,439 miles of rivers and streams and 11,000 inland lakes are an incredible treasure contributing to Michigan's legacy of clean water supporting world class fisheries.
The best way to preserve these exceptional resources, which also provide important ecosystem services like flood storage and corridors for wildlife, is to p . . .