Rep. Dean Phillips Votes Against H.Res.1371, Calls for Bipartisan Reform
July 26, 2024
July 26, 2024
WASHINGTON, July 26 -- Rep. Dean Phillips, D-Minnesota, issued the following news release on July 25, 2024:
Today, Rep. Dean Phillips voted against H.Res.1371, "Strongly condemning the Biden Administration and its Border Czar Kamala Harris's failure to secure the United States border," and called on Congress to get serious about solving our nation's border security and immigration problem.
"If there is someone to blame for the human and securit . . .
Today, Rep. Dean Phillips voted against H.Res.1371, "Strongly condemning the Biden Administration and its Border Czar Kamala Harris's failure to secure the United States border," and called on Congress to get serious about solving our nation's border security and immigration problem.
"If there is someone to blame for the human and securit . . .