Court Ruling Recognizes Roads Harm Grizzly Bears in Flathead National Forest
June 28, 2024
June 28, 2024
SAN FRANCISCO, California, June 28 [Category: Environment] -- Earthjustice issued the following news release:
Missoula, MT -- A Montana District Court ruling today recognizes that grizzly bears are indeed impacted by existing roadways that do not receive motorized use, which the agencies failed to consider when allowing increased roadbuilding in the Flathead National Forest. Grizzly bears have learned to avoid roads -- even closed roads -- and are often displaced from habitat that f . . .
Missoula, MT -- A Montana District Court ruling today recognizes that grizzly bears are indeed impacted by existing roadways that do not receive motorized use, which the agencies failed to consider when allowing increased roadbuilding in the Flathead National Forest. Grizzly bears have learned to avoid roads -- even closed roads -- and are often displaced from habitat that f . . .