Colo. House Republicans: Rep. Catlin Delivers on First Increase in Pay in 12 Years for District Attorneys
June 13, 2024
June 13, 2024
DENVER, Colorado, June 13 -- The Colorado House Republicans issued the following news release:
On May 5, 2024, Governor Jared Polis signed into law the Districts Attorneys' Salaries bill (SB24-013). This bill, now law, removes the statutory requirement that the state legislature review and set the districts attorneys (DAs) salary minimum, every four years. This process has created a legal environment where the state legislature failed to increase the salary minimum since 2012.< . . .
On May 5, 2024, Governor Jared Polis signed into law the Districts Attorneys' Salaries bill (SB24-013). This bill, now law, removes the statutory requirement that the state legislature review and set the districts attorneys (DAs) salary minimum, every four years. This process has created a legal environment where the state legislature failed to increase the salary minimum since 2012.< . . .