Fermilab Names Jim Kerby as LBNF/DUNE U.S. Project Director
June 05, 2024
June 05, 2024
WASHINGTON, June 5 -- The U.S. Department of Energy's Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory issued the following news release:
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory announced Jim Kerby as project director for Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility for the Deep Underground Neutrino (LBNF/DUNE U.S.) He will be responsible for managing all aspects of the project in the U.S. as Fermilab leads the execution of the largest international DOE project ever hosted on U.S. soil.
Ker . . .
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory announced Jim Kerby as project director for Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility for the Deep Underground Neutrino (LBNF/DUNE U.S.) He will be responsible for managing all aspects of the project in the U.S. as Fermilab leads the execution of the largest international DOE project ever hosted on U.S. soil.
Ker . . .