UW's SER and College of Engineering and Physical Sciences Fund Energy-Related Equipment Proposals
May 15, 2024
May 15, 2024
LARAMIE, Wyoming, May 15 -- The University of Wyoming issued the following news release:
Recipients have been selected from among 41 proposals for funding following a request from the University of Wyoming's School of Energy Resources (SER) to UW employees in need of energy-related laboratory equipment -- including repairs -- or supplies to conduct energy-related research.
"The volume of proposals, totaling more than 10 times the funds SER had available, was e . . .
Recipients have been selected from among 41 proposals for funding following a request from the University of Wyoming's School of Energy Resources (SER) to UW employees in need of energy-related laboratory equipment -- including repairs -- or supplies to conduct energy-related research.
"The volume of proposals, totaling more than 10 times the funds SER had available, was e . . .