Orange County: Community Action Division Helps Low-Income Seniors Stay Cool
May 08, 2024
May 08, 2024
ORLANDO, Florida, May 8 -- Orange County issued the following news:
May is Community Action Month, and the Orange County Community Action Division has no shortage of programs to assist low-income families who want to achieve economic stability. One such federally funded grant program is the Senior Climate Efficiency Program, which provides low-income seniors (60+) with air conditioner replacement, service or system upgrades.
"This is actually a very important issue . . .
May is Community Action Month, and the Orange County Community Action Division has no shortage of programs to assist low-income families who want to achieve economic stability. One such federally funded grant program is the Senior Climate Efficiency Program, which provides low-income seniors (60+) with air conditioner replacement, service or system upgrades.
"This is actually a very important issue . . .