Southern Democratic Party Chairs Hold Trump Accountable for His Abortion Bans Across the South on Eve of FL's Extreme Ban Taking Effect
April 30, 2024
April 30, 2024
WASHINGTON, April 30 -- The Democratic National Committee issued the following news release:
This morning, the DNC hosted a press call with Southern state Democratic Party Chairs Nikki Fried (FL), Nikema Williams (GA), Susan Swecker (VA), and Anderson Clayton (NC) ahead of the extreme abortion ban Donald Trump made possible taking effect in Florida tomorrow. Because of Donald Trump, abortion is banned across every state in the South barring Virginia, where Democrats successfully def . . .
This morning, the DNC hosted a press call with Southern state Democratic Party Chairs Nikki Fried (FL), Nikema Williams (GA), Susan Swecker (VA), and Anderson Clayton (NC) ahead of the extreme abortion ban Donald Trump made possible taking effect in Florida tomorrow. Because of Donald Trump, abortion is banned across every state in the South barring Virginia, where Democrats successfully def . . .