Iowa Gov. Reynolds Joins 52 Governors in Opposition to Biden Attempt to Infringe on Governors' Authorities
April 30, 2024
April 30, 2024
DES MOINES, Iowa, April 30 -- Gov. Kim Reynolds, R-Iowa, issued the following news release:
Gov. Kim Reynolds joined 52 governors representing states, commonwealths, and territories in opposition to Legislative Proposal 480 submitted by the Department of Defense to the Senate Armed Services Committee. LP 480 disregards gubernatorial authorities regarding the National Guard and undermines over 100 years of precedent as well as national security and military readiness.
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Gov. Kim Reynolds joined 52 governors representing states, commonwealths, and territories in opposition to Legislative Proposal 480 submitted by the Department of Defense to the Senate Armed Services Committee. LP 480 disregards gubernatorial authorities regarding the National Guard and undermines over 100 years of precedent as well as national security and military readiness.
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