Understanding the Upstate: Ron Rash, Clemson Scholars Convene to Talk Unique Region
April 24, 2024
April 24, 2024
CLEMSON, South Carolina, April 24 -- The Clemson University's Cooperative Extension issued the following news:
Distinguished Clemson University scholars convened over two days to better understand what defines the rapidly growing region of the Upstate.
The College of Arts and Humanities, College of Architecture, Art and Construction and School of Architecture hosted five informative and collaborative roundtable sessions on April 4-5 in the Barnes Center. Renowned a . . .
Distinguished Clemson University scholars convened over two days to better understand what defines the rapidly growing region of the Upstate.
The College of Arts and Humanities, College of Architecture, Art and Construction and School of Architecture hosted five informative and collaborative roundtable sessions on April 4-5 in the Barnes Center. Renowned a . . .