Michigan Democratic Party: Reminder - Rogers, Meijer, Pensler, and Amash Backed Trump's Tax Giveaway to the Ultra-Wealthy and Big Corporations
April 16, 2024
April 16, 2024
LANSING, Michigan, April 16 -- The Michigan Democratic Party issued the following news release:
On Tax Day, Mike Rogers, Peter Meijer, Sandy Pensler, and Justin Amash won't be able to hide their record of support for the Trump tax giveaway which slashed tax rates for large corporations and the ultra-wealthy.
Here's where the GOP candidates stand on tax giveaways for billionaires:
* Mike Rogers backed Trump's tax giveaway bill, describing them . . .
On Tax Day, Mike Rogers, Peter Meijer, Sandy Pensler, and Justin Amash won't be able to hide their record of support for the Trump tax giveaway which slashed tax rates for large corporations and the ultra-wealthy.
Here's where the GOP candidates stand on tax giveaways for billionaires:
* Mike Rogers backed Trump's tax giveaway bill, describing them . . .