Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee: Tom Barrett - My Anti-Abortion Beliefs Won't Be An Issue Because "My Opponent Is Not A Woman"
February 24, 2024
February 24, 2024
WASHINGTON, Feb. 24 -- The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee issued the following news release:
In a new interview with the Washington Examiner, MAGA Republican Tom Barrett tried to downplay his staunch anti-abortion record, claiming that reproductive rights won't be an issue this November because his "opponent is not a woman."
Despite his attempt to sidestep the issue, Barrett continued his anti-abortion tirade, calling Michigan's constitu . . .
In a new interview with the Washington Examiner, MAGA Republican Tom Barrett tried to downplay his staunch anti-abortion record, claiming that reproductive rights won't be an issue this November because his "opponent is not a woman."
Despite his attempt to sidestep the issue, Barrett continued his anti-abortion tirade, calling Michigan's constitu . . .