Mich. Transportation Dept.: US-31/Grandview Parkway Work Resumes Feb. 26
February 22, 2024
February 22, 2024
TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan, Feb. 22 -- The Michigan Department of Transportation issued the following news release on Feb. 21, 2024:
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Detour Starts March 10
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Work on the Michigan Department of Transportation's (MDOT) $24.7 million project to rebuild 2.2 miles of US-31/M-72 (Front Street and Grandview Parkway) in Traverse City will resume for the season on Monday, Feb. 26. Initial work will include activating temporary traffic signal . . .
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Detour Starts March 10
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Work on the Michigan Department of Transportation's (MDOT) $24.7 million project to rebuild 2.2 miles of US-31/M-72 (Front Street and Grandview Parkway) in Traverse City will resume for the season on Monday, Feb. 26. Initial work will include activating temporary traffic signal . . .