NIST: Wear and Tear May Cause Firefighter Gear to Release More 'Forever Chemicals'
January 17, 2024
January 17, 2024
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17 (TNSres) -- The U.S. Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology issued the following news:
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Are firefighters at risk of increased exposure to cancer-causing chemicals in their protective clothing?
* Textiles used to manufacture the protective coats and pants worn by firefighters often contain measurable amounts of potentially cancer-causing chemicals called PFAS.
* A new study from NIST . . .
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Are firefighters at risk of increased exposure to cancer-causing chemicals in their protective clothing?
* Textiles used to manufacture the protective coats and pants worn by firefighters often contain measurable amounts of potentially cancer-causing chemicals called PFAS.
* A new study from NIST . . .