BLM High Desert District plans to conduct prescribed burns
November 27, 2023
November 27, 2023
WASHINGTON, Nov. 27 -- The U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management issued the following news release:
RAWLINS. Wyo. -- The Bureau of Land Management plans to conduct prescribed burns on multiple lands managed by the Rawlins Field Office this Fall and Winter. These burns are contingent upon fuel moisture and weather meeting optimal burn conditions. The treatments will only be implemented if specified prescription parameters are present.
Prescribed burn . . .
RAWLINS. Wyo. -- The Bureau of Land Management plans to conduct prescribed burns on multiple lands managed by the Rawlins Field Office this Fall and Winter. These burns are contingent upon fuel moisture and weather meeting optimal burn conditions. The treatments will only be implemented if specified prescription parameters are present.
Prescribed burn . . .