U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Mississippi: Justice Department to Monitor the Polls for Compliance With Federal Voting Rights Laws in Several Jurisdictions
November 07, 2023
November 07, 2023
WASHINGTON, Nov. 7 -- The office of the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Mississippi posted the following news release:
The Justice Department announced today that it plans to monitor compliance with federal voting rights laws in several jurisdictions for the Nov. 7 general election.
The department will assign federal observers to monitor the election in Union County, New Jersey, to observe the county's compliance with the Voting Rights Act. Earlier this . . .
The Justice Department announced today that it plans to monitor compliance with federal voting rights laws in several jurisdictions for the Nov. 7 general election.
The department will assign federal observers to monitor the election in Union County, New Jersey, to observe the county's compliance with the Voting Rights Act. Earlier this . . .