University of California: Professor Pruitt Takes Part in Three Panels at Symposium on Rural Lawyers
October 20, 2023
October 20, 2023
DAVIS, California, Oct. 20 -- The University of California's Davis School of Law issued the following news:
Professor Lisa R. Pruitt participated in three panels at the South Dakota Law Review Symposium on Rural Lawyers, held Sept. 21-22 at the University of South Dakota.
Pruitt served as a panelist for the "Teaching and Scholarship" and "How Other States and Industries Draw Talent to Rural Areas" discussions, and moderated the "Rural Commu . . .
Professor Lisa R. Pruitt participated in three panels at the South Dakota Law Review Symposium on Rural Lawyers, held Sept. 21-22 at the University of South Dakota.
Pruitt served as a panelist for the "Teaching and Scholarship" and "How Other States and Industries Draw Talent to Rural Areas" discussions, and moderated the "Rural Commu . . .