New Quantum Research at South Dakota Mines Examines Smaller and Faster Two-Dimensional Computer Memory Devices
October 04, 2023
October 04, 2023
RAPID CITY, South Dakota, Oct. 4 -- The South Dakota School of Mines and Technology issued the following news release:
In the high-tech industry, Moore's Law, first coined in the 1960's, is an observation that the number of transistors in an integrated circuit doubles about every two years. In a nutshell, this means technology continues to get smaller and faster over time. This is why the smartphone you may be reading this on is actually more powerful than the computers NA . . .
In the high-tech industry, Moore's Law, first coined in the 1960's, is an observation that the number of transistors in an integrated circuit doubles about every two years. In a nutshell, this means technology continues to get smaller and faster over time. This is why the smartphone you may be reading this on is actually more powerful than the computers NA . . .