Michigan Democratic Party: Roundup - Michigan Democrats Lambaste Trump for His Lies to Workers in Michigan
September 29, 2023
September 29, 2023
LANSING, Michigan, Sept. 29 -- The Michigan Democratic Party issued the following news release on Sept. 28, 2023:
Last night, Trump tried to waltz into a non-union plant and tell enough lies that voters would forget his heinous record on workers here in Michigan - but Trump has let down Michiganders too many times before. Trump can't hide the fact that for his entire presidency, he ignored autoworkers and shipped jobs overseas, all while lining the pockets of billionaires and b . . .
Last night, Trump tried to waltz into a non-union plant and tell enough lies that voters would forget his heinous record on workers here in Michigan - but Trump has let down Michiganders too many times before. Trump can't hide the fact that for his entire presidency, he ignored autoworkers and shipped jobs overseas, all while lining the pockets of billionaires and b . . .