Ford School of Public Policy: Weiser Diplomacy Center Continues Its Practical Approach to International Affairs
September 28, 2023
September 28, 2023
ANN ARBOR, Michigan, Sept. 28 -- The University of Michigan's Ford School of Public Policy issued the following news:
Four current and former army officers stood before a set of maps on a screen in the Betty Ford auditorium, giving background on the on-going diplomatic standoff in Cyprus. The audience consisted of 24 undergraduate and graduate students from the Ford School and other U-M units, who were taking part in a two-day International Strategic Crisis Negotiation Exercise . . .
Four current and former army officers stood before a set of maps on a screen in the Betty Ford auditorium, giving background on the on-going diplomatic standoff in Cyprus. The audience consisted of 24 undergraduate and graduate students from the Ford School and other U-M units, who were taking part in a two-day International Strategic Crisis Negotiation Exercise . . .