R.I. Gov. McKee Administration Announces Recipients of $3.8 Million in Learn365RI Grants
August 09, 2023
August 09, 2023
PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island, Aug. 9 -- Gov. Daniel J. McKee, D-Rhode Island, issued the following news release on Aug. 8, 2023:
Governor Dan McKee and the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) today announced the recipients of nearly $3.8 million in Advancing Learning Beyond the 180-Day School Year grant program funding aimed to support Rhode Island communities launch or expand extended learning programming in alignment with the Governor's Learn365RI initiative.
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Governor Dan McKee and the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) today announced the recipients of nearly $3.8 million in Advancing Learning Beyond the 180-Day School Year grant program funding aimed to support Rhode Island communities launch or expand extended learning programming in alignment with the Governor's Learn365RI initiative.
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